Zoey de Souza Pessanha

Results 20 issues of Zoey de Souza Pessanha

**Deired Behaviour** format not only HTML but also `eex/leex` expression without buggy convertions **ActualBehaviour** All eex/leex expressions are converted to eextN where N is the "index" of expression. So you...


**Descreva o Bug** Na implementação de casamento de delimitadores (`()[]{}`) usando uma `Stack`, há alguns casos onde o programa se comporta de forma errada. [Arquivo de implementação](./src/LE2/Stack/Delim.hs) [Arquivo de Teste](./test/LE2/Stack/DelimSpec.hs)...

preciso de ajuda

How xplr knows about which editor to use? From the `$EDITOR` env var? If so, I set `$EDITOR` to `”hx”` but when trying to open with `:e` I receive the...

### Environment - Operating System: `Darwin` - Node Version: `v19.6.0` - Nuxt Version: `3.2.3` - Nitro Version: `2.2.3` - Package Manager: `[email protected]` - Builder: `vite` - User Config: `apollo`, `components`,...


This library intends to still being maintained? What are the current situation of this lib?

I would like to know if it’s possible to the project to also suport the [helix](https://github.com/helix-editor/helix) editor! It would be an awesome addition to the pallete of colorschemes. Also great...

Sometimes, mostly when writing code blocks, it overflows the terminal/screen vertical viewport. I would be awesome the ability to “scroll down” to a slide content, if it is even possible....

[Helix](https://github.com/helix-editor/helix) is a post-modern modal editor, has native tree-sitter and LSP integrations and use base16 themes. There’s already a attempt to implement dracula for `helix` however the existing theme doesn’t...

🤔 discuss
🆘 help needed

hello! nice work here! i really like this theme and i would like to port to others editors like [helix](https://github.com/helix-editor/helix) and emacs. however i’m very new to this theme creation/porting...