AFAICT, a controller has to be specified via `x-swagger-router-controller` for each path, which can be overriden for each operation in the path. It would be great if a default controller...
Clicking on "documentation" navigates away from the online editor, and without saved state, that can mean losing work. Simply adding target="_blank" to the links will fix this.
It would be very nice if the online version retained its state between reloads, closed an reopen windows, etc. All that needs to be done is to save the grammar...
I realize that this would be a trivial syntactic sugar for `array[0]`, but - Symmetry is good. It makes the language easier to learn and the code easier to write...
It would be nice if boilerplating could be reduced by specifying components by name, instead of having to manually require and pass them as objects, e.g.: ```` { path: '/',...
I would appreciate input on the following issues: - all callbacks now receive "done" as the first argument. This was handy while writing the library, and is often more natural...
Potentially, the npm package called lnk could be used to fix this.
Currently we rely too much on wrapping anything that could potentially be a block of multiple commands into a separate function. This produces one-line functions, which should be inlined in...
Repeated calls of the same macro with the same arguments produce new function files for each call.