Federico Zanetello

Results 15 comments of Federico Zanetello

From the [repo network](https://github.com/mattdonnelly/Swifter/network) I can see that @kindoblue [is working on it](https://github.com/kindoblue/Swifter): please, feel free to help him out! :)

@kindoblue Awesome, thanks!

@Higher08 not really a solution, but you can refer to [this sample app](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/building_a_great_mac_app_with_swiftui) from Apple for an alternative approach. In short navigation master/detail share a binding, and the detail screen...

Hi! Please see https://github.com/norio-nomura/action-swiftlint/issues/23

Thank you @fassko for your all your work/support! 🙏🏻❤️ https://forums.swift.org/t/se-0335-introduce-existential-any/53934

Hi there! I'm not the author/maintainer of the repo, but the project core is just [a sub-200-lines file](https://github.com/cruisediary/Pastel/blob/master/Pastel/Classes/PastelView.swift). You can easily go ahead and study what Pastel does 😊. From...

Hi @SCENEE, thank you very much 😊

@sipersso I've tried multiple ways, such as embedding SwiftUI views into auto-resizing `UITableViewCell`s, so far no result was acceptable. If you really want to use SwiftUI today, my suggestion is...

@sipersso > @zntfdr I did get scroll tracking to work with SwiftUI. The trick, which is missing from your example is to set the content size of the scrollView to...

@sipersso I haven't managed to get the scroll tracking to work with SwiftUI, can you please share your code?