Zhiming Wang

Results 28 comments of Zhiming Wang

(Of course, in this specific case the solution is to download from YouTube instead...)

I can reproduce everything you said (multiple FFmpeg versions, including 4.1, 3.4, 2.8). > I've just tried ffmpeg to download this VOD using the same address via a really general...

Quick update: I was busy and didn't have time to work on this. In the meantime, here is a dirty patch (not final): ```diff diff --git a/src/caterpillar/caterpillar.py b/src/caterpillar/caterpillar.py index a010214..08455bc...


Btw, somewhat related, it might be a good idea to mention browser support in the documentation? https://csv.js.org/stringify/ only seems to mention `csv-stringify`, `csv-stringify/lib/sync` and `csv-stringify/lib/es5`, none of which works in...

Yes, I can reproduce: ![screen shot 2016-01-19 at 11 59 43 pm](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/4149852/12442915/d7d1866c-bf08-11e5-9fa4-34bb7b78ba35.png) The problem is that files in Fuse don't seem to register in OS X's metadata store, a problem...

Digging into `mds` a bit further, it seems that metadata server has trouble with the whole volume: ``` > mdutil -s ~/sync/acd /Users/zmwang/sync/acd: Error: unknown indexing state. ``` From system...

It's been a long time since I created my security profile (and IIRC it was indeed quite confusing), but I just tried to create another one, and here are some...

Turns out the reason I can't figure out how to whitelist the profile is that whitelisting is now invitation-only (thanks @isleshocky77 for [pointing out](https://github.com/yadayada/acd_cli/issues/393#issuecomment-243959597)). Indeed, https://developer.amazon.com/public/apis/experience/cloud-drive/content/getting-started now reads > You...

> I would say you can probably close this issue and one of the other ones. Well I'm not a collaborator on this repo, just a regular dude trying to...