Hi, @lelimite4444 Last time, I tried to reproduce the results of full-2. First, I trained the monodepth without 2warp loss about 40 epochs. Then, I used this model as pre-trianed...
Thank you for your reply. I trained on a 1080Ti. It was slow. Does this code support CUDA10?
Ok, I will try this code on a new GPU TITAN RTX and CUDA10. Is the version of pytorch still 1.0.0 at CUDA10? And I trained the network and got...
Thank you. I will try it.
@lelimite4444 Hi, I am training the Monodepth network on a TITAN RTX GPU with batch size of 2 and epoch of 80. The input resolution is 512 x 256. I...
@lelimite4444 Hi, I have trained the Monodepth network with 80 epochs. I get the following results. For depth, on kitti2015 stereo dataset abs_rel, sq_rel, rms, log_rms, d1_all, a1, a2, a3...
@lelimite4444 And I also find that in your paper, you set the five hyper-parameters (alpha, Beta, Lsm, Lr,L2warp) to (0.85,10,10,0.5,0.2). I find in, the alpha is set to 0.85,...
@lelimite4444 Thank you. So, you mean that you first train a only flow+stereo model with 80epochs. And then, you use this pretrained model as initialization model and train this model...
@lelimite4444 Ok, thank you. I understand. Last time, I did not use the pre-trained model and just trained 80epochs using 2warp and without initialization model.
@lelimite4444 Hi, one more question. Is the results of model Ours (flow + stereo) in Table 1, 2, 3 only trained for 40epochs? (Training flow+stereo without 2warp 40 epochs)