Ah makes sense!
Hey Tobias. I've forked this and am going to get started squashing these. This'll be my first open-source contrib so I'm very excited! is probably the best way to get started playing around locally. (Disclosure I'm the "anchor" (tech lead) on the pivotal buildpacks team). CNBs are, for now, generally consumed through...
I should further add that our slack is a great place to chat about all things buildpacks and is a decent overview with links to a bunch of...
I'll dig in a bit more because I think this is a really cool project: > A buildpack for environment.yml > A buildpack for install.R We have not written...
I'm actually having this same issue. When I upgrade NPM on one version of node `v4.4.5 and npm@3`, and then swap node versions `v6.1.0`, then swap back, somehow the npm...
@ameyer-pivotal I think this is what your meant by the project card. Feel free to edit if not.
@dgageot That's probably right. @ekcasey what you think?
Is there a reason this should live in pack (the platform) vs a buildpack? Aren’t we sort of coupling here? I’d worried that supporting this specific case (spring) in the...
@jromero I guess reporting anything that's pinned down (eg. the build image) would be helpful. Essentially any piece of metadata about the component parts of the builder would be useful