Zach Waterfield

Results 13 issues of Zach Waterfield

🔔 Updates You can follow this repository to know what each new release includes. 🐛 Debugging If any feature isn't working, open the web console and look for Refined Zapier-related...

This is a list of other features we've brainstormed and just haven't built yet, if you'd like to build any of them please feel free! - [ ] Grouping folder...


# Feature request There are a bunch of commonly used Postgres methods that should be added: - `COUNT(*)` - `AVG(number)` - `MIN(number)` - `MAX(number)`


When viewing blogs posts I'd love to be able to toggle the left side bar closed so I can get a more focused view of the post I'm readding. |...


Adding Posthog. This first PR is adding page views and autocapture and identify. In subsequent PRs we will add tracking for custom events. Note: this is not using a proxy...

- Added new Tinybird data source for conversions - Added tracking endpoints for clicks and conversions - Two API endpoints added `/api/track/click` and `/api/track/conversion` - Both are using API key...

This is a spike for the Stripe integration. Basically, we want the ability to: 1. Update a customer with additional metadata if they came to a customer application through a...

## Changes Related to - show addon feature list - add support for flat rate addons ### Screenshots - teams addon block: - support response times Note: [this merge](

## Is your feature request related to a problem? I'd like to be able to have two charts side by side in one row in my notebooks so I can...


We render many tooltips on a date picker, the date picker is on a sticky component. As some points on the page, the tooltip jumps around. Any idea what is...