Leon Huang

Results 8 comments of Leon Huang

@SuspiciousLookingOwl Thank you for the information. It's interesting! I think it would be nice to have this language detection feature!

Hi @freddiefujiwara, thank you for your PR. I prefer to have different way to implement the new Google TTS API into this library. I do realize there is no simple...

Thank you for reporting this issue. Looks like google translate API has a minor change. I will some updates next release. - change the default language to `en` - [typescript]...

It is a great idea. I would love to implement this new feature in the next release. Thank you.

Hi @yuanoook, version 2.0.0 can support customized `host` now. Please read more here: https://github.com/zlargon/google-tts#options-all-options-are-optional

Hi @MrRasmus, here is an example to change the language to Chinese. https://github.com/zlargon/google-tts/blob/master/example/chinese.js You can change the language by setting the option `lang` with language codes. Hope it's helpful. 😁

I met the same issue when using `csv-stringify/browser/esm`. `moduleNameMapper` works for me! Node: 16.19.1 Jest: 27.5.1 csv-stringify: 6.4.4 ```json "moduleNameMapper": { "axios": "axios/dist/node/axios.cjs", "csv-stringify/browser/esm": "csv-stringify/dist/cjs/index.cjs" } ```