Li Zhang

Results 10 comments of Li Zhang

Well, I'm confused that how to use "", I check the "/pyhton_utils/", and don't know the default training process uses which datasets. According to the " " '86 parser.add_argument('-m', '--model',...

> Hi @amiltonwong, I faced this issue initially. The output given by the network is the trainIds (0 - 18). You need to convert these to Label Ids (0 -...

can refer [](url)

> > 命令应该没有什么问题,呃 方便的话您可以贴一下causal-motifs-sgdet文件夹里有哪些东西吗,我这里应该是有 > > ``` > > config.yml labels.json log.txt VG_stanford_filtered_with_attribute_train_statistics.cache > > inference last_checkpoint model_0028000.pth > > ``` > > > > > > > > >...

> > 是我看cfg、config_file里面都有这个Key,请 > > 你好我也遇到同了同样的问题,请问您解决了吗? please reference [#119](

KeyError: Non-existent config key... 我推测,此类问题都是由于作者使用的是自己修改的maskrcnn_benchmark,因为原始的maskrcnn_benchmark主要用于目标检测,不含有关系分类头和属性分类头,所以e2e_relation...等yaml文件中定义的key在原始的maskrcnn_benchmark中都不存在,自然cfg变量中也就不存在这些key,就会在File "tools/", line 62, in main cfg.merge_from_file(args.config_file) 中报错。 解决的办法其实很简单,首先是把环境中已有的maskrcnn_benchmark卸载(这个包可能大概率你是通过pip或者conda安装的),保证在执行bash scripts/ 时报错:no module named maskrcnn_benchmark,说明环境中已有的maskrcnn_benchmark已经卸载干净。然后cd到PENET中,执行python build develop,安装作者修改的maskrcnn_benchmark,最后解决相关的依赖问题(比如from .cv2 import * ImportError:,执行apt-install libgl1-mesa-dev),cfg.merge_from_file(args.config_file)就过了。 这个问题可能新手会碰到吧(比如我这样的),大佬一般不会遇到这个问题.... Translate by...

To fix the error, just modify Line 104 in to "return inference_small_config(x, c)" as @ymzhang1919 said

@SanghyukChun Thank you very much for your patient answer. According to what you said, I relaxed the restriction on K, and sure enough, the first problem was resolved, but the...

OK, due to network, uploading may take some time. I will try to have the relevant files and code ready by tomorrow. ------------------------------------------- @SanghyukChun Relevant files and code have shared...