Bjørnar Hansen
Bjørnar Hansen
Hi Øystein I’ve used your angle-wide layout for years and I am totally addicted to it!. Colemak is so great and your modifications make it even greater. It’s great that...
See attached screenshot of standalone. (When loaded in Ardour 6, the VST3 does scale correctly, while the LV2 does not.) --- 
I guess the slowness could be caused by JUCE 6 and upgrading to 7 will fix that. But it seems like the size calculations may be skewed when resizing to...
Hi, I am working on a patch editor for a hardware synth and while handling sysex data I spotted a couple of issues with the sysex input stream. Both the...
Hi I am having trouble with your plugins vim-surround and vim-repeat. Although I found a dirty workaround I thought you might want to know what the issue is. The problem...
Because of the strict parsing of URIs by Network.URI.parseURIReference, parseRequestHead fails on this "almost valid" URI: ``` ghci> parseRequestHead ["GET|Open+Sans:700|Open+Sans:300&lang=en HTTP/1.1"] ghci> Left (ErrorParse "parseRequestHead Request command line parse...