Jason Zhang
Jason Zhang
这个是不需要在服务器上安装ffmpeg软件,对吧? jar中已经包括了ffmpeg
I obtained the data list through the backend interface, and when binding the card swiper, I found that it would automatically scroll several times the first time before stopping at...
I obtained the data list through the backend interface, and when binding the card swiper, I found that it would automatically scroll several times the first time before stopping at...
Widget getSwiper(){ return Obx(() { return Swiper( itemBuilder:(BuildContext context,int index){ return _swiperItem(context,index); }, itemCount: state.ktszWordListEntity.value.result.length, pagination: null, control: null, loop: false, viewportFraction: 0.9, scale: 1, index: 0,///插件有bug,只有0起作用。 onIndexChanged: (index){ controller.slide(index);...
最新的版本 flutter_unionad: ^1.3.20 在初始化方法完成以后,我调用的开屏方法。也没有任何callback事件的响应 static void startScreenAd(var adId){ print("toutiao start screen to begin..."); FlutterUnionad.splashAdView( //是否使用个性化模版 设定widget宽高 //mIsExpress: true, //android 开屏广告广告id 必填 androidCodeId: adId, //ios 开屏广告广告id 必填 iosCodeId: "", //是否支持 DeepLink...
版本:4.5.6上。 // 创建待分享的文件模型 WeChatFile weChatFile = WeChatFile.network(fileNetUrl); WeChatShareFileModel fileModel = WeChatShareFileModel(weChatFile, title:title, description: desc, scene: wxScene, ); try { Global.fluwx.share(fileModel); }catch(e){ print(e); } 这个地方直接导致app卡死了。在Xcode上看到报错: *** Terminating app due to uncaught...