Jeff Zhang
Jeff Zhang
ping @PrarthiJain
It looks like cause spark/flink tests fail
@PrarthiJain I also notice that today, I am looking into this issue, will keep you updated
@PrarthiJain I made a hotfix for the CI, please rebase your PR and trigger the CI again.
@PrarthiJain Could you check the failed test ? AFAIK, `frontend / test-selenium-with-spark-module-for-spark-2-3` and `core / jdbcIntegrationTest-and-unit-test-of-Spark-2-4-with-Scala-2-11` has flaky tests, others should be successful.
@PrarthiJain What about other failed tests ?
@PrarthiJain You can do a force push to trigger the CI
@PrarthiJain AlluxioInterpreterTest is failed
ping @PrarthiJain
It looks like spark integration is failed, not sure whether it is related to this PR