Results 4 issues of zzz

Hi I think you code does not correctly use Daisy descriptor in Sketchtoken. As the paper mentioned, the descriptor is used in binary boundaries image not the original images. From...

Hi, I tried to compile your code using Ubuntu 14.04 with matlab 2014b I got mistakes: g++ solver_3_0.o linpack.o timer.o blas.o matlabexception.o matlabscalar.o matlabstring.o matlabmatrix.o arrayofmatrices.o program.o matlabprogram.o lbfgsb.o -shared...

Hi Joseph, I think there might be a small issue in stTrain.m From what I know, the clusters.x and clusters.y save the index of the center of each patch. When...

Hi, My question seems a bit unrelated. But I am really curious, so sorry for interrupt, WRN uses a quite different weightDecay and learning rate schedule scheme from fb-resnet-torch used....