
Results 333 comments of zirain

will https://github.com/istio/istio/tree/master/samples/custom-bootstrap help?

> Anyway EnvoyFilter and BOOTSTRAP_XDS_AGENT was very convenient way of managing those type of customisations. I would love to understand if there's any other "easy" way e.g via Telemetry nop,...

I try to reproduce what you said, but worked as expected. ```yaml apiVersion: telemetry.istio.io/v1alpha1 kind: Telemetry metadata: name: mesh-default namespace: istio-system spec: tracing: - providers: - name: "zipkin" randomSamplingPercentage: 100.00...

ingressgateway located in istio-system namespace, so only `mesh-default` take effect, which means `1%`.

1.15 was EOL for a long long time, please upgrade and retest.

`` this's wired, possible cause by some incorrect configuration.

/test release-notes

related to https://github.com/istio/proxy/pull/5532