David Riccitelli
David Riccitelli
I think this is the same issue I am experiencing. I have a reactive `Function` that acts as processor. The function per se works but if the returned object creates...
This looks related as well https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-stream/issues/1951
Thanks @fgimian that's neat. I just added `-i ".*\.scss$" -e ".*"` to the `fswatch` options to only watch for scss file changes.
This would be the updated GH action file: https://github.com/ziodave/heritrix3/blob/master/.github/workflows/docker-image.yml Example multi-arch image is here: https://github.com/ziodave/heritrix3/pkgs/container/heritrix3 The registry, username and password would need to be updated accordingly. Right now they're using...
Nothing too fancy, I edited [WpProQuiz_View_FrontQuiz.php#L949](https://github.com/xeno010/Wp-Pro-Quiz/blob/master/lib/view/WpProQuiz_View_FrontQuiz.php#L949) and changed this: ``` php
Unfortunately not, take a dive in the plugin code, it's quite OOP, maybe it is possible to define other answers' types with further customizations.
Downgrading to 0.4 worked for me, not the best of the solutions I know ... composer.json: ``` { "require": { "microsoft/windowsazure": "~0.4" } } ```
Hello @slim16165 The correct URI is http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q190148, this is the entity ID in Wikidata, not https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q190148 (which is the human URL).
> Generally speaking it can be helpful for a user to edit this information - this was not possible previously. Yes I think it is required to allow the user...