Timur Zinniatullin
Timur Zinniatullin
> For the sprint I'm planning on starting with 20 and seeing how I can continue on from there with my mediocre regex skills. Thanks, great! Wating for your PR,...
@NikitaStormwind I think we need several regular expressions for different patterns, but I'm open for suggestions (:
> > > If no one objects, I'll take 31 and 30 No objects, of course, thanks for joining!
> > > > @NikitaStormwind I think we need several regular expressions for different patterns, but I'm open for suggestions (: > > @zinint | And one more question: Do...
> > Ok, thanks. I'll take a couple more tasks tomorrow Top work @NikitaStormwind, thanks a lot, will see you tomorrow!
I'll take 27 then for descending order (: gotta do something as well ((: #1150 #1151 #1152
**Taking task 23** - #1223
**Taking task 22** - #1225
**Taking tasks 20 & 21** - [x] Due to the very high FP rate, I suggest skipping these tasks.
**Taking task 19** - #1229