Inputting like a fake url when capturing images and captureImage just returns just normal. I would expect that an error was thrown or captureImage to return like `false` or someting....
Made alot of changes and restructed files and code to be compatible with platform.io. Dont know if you want this or not, but here is your chance.
It seems that if requesting data using the same session but requesting varied data via concurrent 2-3 request causes a `125002: Session error`. I figure maybe a queue system of...
I tried a lot of stuff that ended with an `UNAUTHORIZED` response from the docker API. Some troubleshooting let me to that this error is gone if I remove the...
Something changed to last week with one of the docker APIs used in this image it seems. Starting from the 26'th of April I started getting errors when comparing with...
New rule for 'tectake's many different sites. Test it here: - https://www.tectake.co.uk/leisure-wellness?p=2 - https://www.tectake.de/garten-heimwerken?p=2 - https://www.tectake.dk/bolig?p=2 Rule ``` url ^https:\/\/www\.tectake\..+\/.+ pageElement //ul[contains(@class,"products-grid")]/li nextLink //a[contains(@class,"next")] ```