Egor Zindy
Egor Zindy
Hi Pete, If I create a polygon ROI with an empty `points_list` (or any number of points added to it), `GeometryTools.refineAreas()` is absolutely fine with it. ``` import qupath.lib.geom.Point2 def...
I totally understand, this does look like a "just-in-case" method. I was testing gestures with the jpen extension and thought that with previousTool being private, there wasn't a mechanism to...
I tested some old mice (that got hidden away for a reason), and their wheel button triggered multiple events at times. This behaviour was corrected with a 10ms debounce. Am...
Hi Pete, in retrospect, I shouldn't have added the middle button code to one of your existing events. Instead, I gave the code its own `viewer.getView().addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, e -> {})` event,...
Last code reshuffle! I'm back to where I started and exactly where you wrote the middle button code should go, somewhere [around here]( In this iteration, if you have time...
Hello, I've had issues compiling SimpleElastix on Windows as well but did get there eventually. I wrote down some steps I had to take (a few months back) to get...
Hello @sinisaos This (the code you demoed in your screencast) is exactly what I need to build a list of ForeignKeys when adding new rows to one of my table....
@sinisaos thank you for the quick reply! I'm very new to all this and hadn't realised so much work had been done on Piccolo (-admin) in the last 6 months....
Hi Pete, there's no much else I can do on this for now. It's ready to be tested by someone else in case I missed anything, and I don't have...
> I've just merged in the >200 commits since this. If it builds ok I'll try to have a look in the next day or two. I saw, that's a...