Zimon Tai
Zimon Tai
You can use a [PathBuilder](https://docs.rs/bevy_prototype_lyon/latest/bevy_prototype_lyon/path/struct.PathBuilder.html)
@lordbenedikt you could just call `.move_to()`, each call starts a new segment. This is identical to the concept of path building in the SVG spec.
```log running: "cmake" "--build" "." "--target" "install" "--config" "Debug" "--parallel" "4" --- stderr fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git Unknown argument --parallel Unknown argument...
I think it's due to https://github.com/rust-lang/cmake-rs/issues/131, upgrading cmake solves the problem. I'll leave this open for the legacy dependency issue
I think only the leading 4 bytes are needed, current impl is too strict
I will test to see if it works... Currently I create a `Fence` in vulkano by `Fence::from_pool`, then pass the raw fence to `vkGetFenceFdKHR`, it returns the fd as `-1`....
I see, I missed an extra `VkExportFenceCreateInfoKHR`. Thanks for the help. I will update this issue if made any progress.
Tested. With the spec not mentioning the fd supporting select/epoll, enabling this extension could not glue vulkano & mio/tokio/futures (under 382 nvidia beta driver). So I guess that's it. The...
So any updates on this and #184 ?
Ping Is this ready 2 be merged?