
Results 9 comments of zimmyxyz

> This is using the "Google Home Application" (GHA), right? @pierredelisle Home Assistant is [using](https://github.com/home-assistant/android/blob/50a8b9eee2cadac86546dc152d09de471328b36c/app/src/full/java/io/homeassistant/companion/android/matter/MatterCommissioningService.kt) the same [`com.google.android.gms.home.matter.*`](https://developers.home.google.com/reference/com/google/android/gms/home/matter/package-summary?authuser=0&hl=en) Google Home SDK APIs for commissioning Matter (and Matter over Thread) devices...

@pierredelisle, this a Nanoleaf Matter over Thread BR30 lightbulb: https://nanoleaf.me/en-US/products/essentials/bulbs/?category=BR30-E26&standard=matter&size=3 From "Commissionable Devices" in the Sample App: **VID:** `0x115A` **PID:** `0x0035` I have many other Matter over Thread devices from...

> Thanks. Do you have a Google Thread border router (e.g. Nest Hub)? I don't have a Nest, or even a Google account. I only have access to an OpenThread...

Sorry, but I'm still not understanding why a Google account is needed to use the Google Home SDK API for Matter over Thread device commissioning. Since I already have a...

@pierredelisle I gave the PR a try and was hoping it would let me dump the created credentials so I could import them into my own Matter controller software. Unfortunately...

@pierredelisle just got around to debugging the "authentication" issue with a rooted device and `mitmproxy`. I don't see any requests from Google Play Services that are responded to with a...

@pierredelisle could you please open a bug issue ticket on https://issuetracker.google.com/issues?q=componentid%3A655104 for this. I can't open one since I do not have a Google account

@pierredelisle the original device I tried device commissioning with that got the `UNAUTHENTICATED: Request is missing required authentication credential.` error in logcat was **NOT** rooted. I recently got another phone...

> From how I understood it, @zimmyxyz wants to use the Google Home SDK, but doesn't wan't to use a device that has GMS on it, for ex. an Android...