Hi, I didn't use manopth for visualization, but I imported the related Obman dataset to be visualized by my script at some point, which seems like the inverse problem to...
Can you explain your problem in more detail? I find it hard to follow your problem.
Yes they are in camera space and meters.
Thank you for your interest in our work. Some quantization is to be expected, but we haven't experienced 'large jumps' that harmed our application. In what range does the quantization...
I think it is well beyond what we experienced. The predictions we show in our [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtwefguZk70) are not smoothed at all and don't seem to exhibit a similar noise. I...
I'd feed the images with their original resolution into the PoseNet3D, but adapting the [intrinsic matrix](https://github.com/lmb-freiburg/rgbd-pose3d/blob/323175207a4b41e1da6c073be9b9957ef79f11ca/forward_pass.py#L39) to your camera. It might be that your K is very different from the...