Hi, I'm trying to use tq_transmute_xy with a window size of 5. I'm getting a vector length 5 being passed to my function for x but a vector the length...
The issue I am experiencing is that officedown uses different field code SEQ ids for tables and figures than word so if I create a word document with officedown and...
Hi there, I've just tried integrating shinylogs into my (rather complex) app and the resulting logs have data in Session, Outputs, Errors, but the Inputs table is empty. (not even...
Hi Maarten, I'm getting the following error trying to save a topic model without an embedding model pointer. ```python from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups from bertopic import BERTopic # Documents to...
Hi Maarten, I'm having an issue with some important words not appearing within CountVectorizer when using `min_df` even though they are well above the set threshold. My understanding of `min_df`...
Hi Maarten, Thanks for the latest update, I think the latest merge_models function will be really useful for me! I think there is a typo in the min_similarity section on...
Hi there, just wondering if this package is still being maintained? It has disappeared from CRAN but it is still useful to my work.
Hi Maarten, I have a use case at the moment where I'm using zero shot topic modeling to assign documents to a list of known clusters. I'm not really interested...
Hi Maarten, Just wondering why the UMAP module in `visualize_topics` uses `n_neighbors=2` rather than something like 15? https://github.com/MaartenGr/BERTopic/blob/424cefc68ede08ff9f1c7e56ee6103c16c1429c6/bertopic/plotting/_topics.py#L79 A value of 2 results in a lot of topics sitting directly...
Hi Maarten, I've been following the new datamapplot addition which looks awesome. One of the great things about the interactive version is the ability to use layers that change as...