Zihao Wang

Results 3 issues of Zihao Wang

**依赖版本:** "wechaty": "^1.20.2", "wechaty-plugin-contrib": "^1.11.2", "wechaty-puppet": "^1.20.2", "wechaty-puppet-padlocal": "^1.20.1", **核心代码:** 使用收到的payload构造新的小程序卡片 ``` javascript if (msg.type() === PUPPET.types.Message.MiniProgram) { const card = await msg.toMiniProgram() log.info(JSON.stringify(card)) const payload = card.payload await receivers[0].say(new...

I have installed beam and ran the `test/input/beamville/beam.conf` and `test/input/sf-light/sf-light.conf` successfully. However, when I tried to run `production/sfbay/base.conf`, the following error occurred instantly: > 21:54:07.269 [main] ERROR beam.sim.RunBeam$ - Exception...


I added two functions to retrieve segment ID and segment index. Tested with both `libsumo` and `traci` via Python. In the mesoscopic simulation, calling these two functions will return the...