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Results 70 www.ziglang.org issues
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this is vital when making web requests to https://ziglang.org/download/index.json due to [Cross-Origin Resource Sharing rules](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS). ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5464072/178091687-6966feaa-7d81-4a28-9ee9-c458d846fafd.png)

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/62678643/174464313-b3714dbd-44d8-4294-8e0a-367077a1058d.png) It is obviously different from the English interface layout, but I can't find the reason @kristoff-it

It would be nice if ziglang.org provided a direct link to the latest master, making [https://zigbin.io/master](https://zigbin.io/master) unnecessary.

The color scheme of the code in Dark theme is too bright and very unintegrated with the surroundings, the color scheme can refer to some well-known dark code themes.

We need to move it to the top of the page, just like Rust does.

Couple of broken links in this section: https://ziglang.org/learn/overview/#cross-compiling-is-a-first-class-use-case Namely, - https://ziglang.org/learn/overview/#support-table - https://ziglang.org/learn/overview/#tier-3-support

@kristoff-it I only played around with this for a few hours in case you don't like it and want to throw it out 😛 In some ways, I think this...

This is a topic that the getting started section should cover in a paragraph somewhere.