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This seems like an easy todo, however, I don't want to mess with your builds since it could cost you money. Either option below would work depending on preference. Option...

### Zig Version 0.11.0 ### Steps to Reproduce and Observed Behavior [image](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1023625686327492761/1137744935903309905/image.png) in documentation all links to "Zig standart library" is to "master", regardless of the selected version. ziglang.org/documentation/**_master_**/std/#A;std ###...


When reading the recent news article about 0.11.0 being postponed, I noticed that the article didn't have a date. I took a quick look at the page's source to see...

I downloaded ziglang from: https://ziglang.org/download/ and went to verify the signature, but the documentation for doing so is missing. I'm not familar w/ minisign and I assume many people are...

There should be a Search box in the docs so that it could be easy to find what you are looking for.

I've built an example of Zig+WebAssembly that goes beyond the 2+2 "hello world" in the docs, and shows how to manage memory: https://github.com/jameshfisher/zig-wasm-beyond-hello-world But I have a few questions. 1....

Based on my experience in learning Zig language and developing in Zig language, I wrote a Chinese manual for Zig language. The website is: https://sxwangzhiwen.github.io/zigcndoc/zigcndoc.html If possible, can you put...

In [the "Zig competes with C instead of depending on it" section on the "In-depth Overview" page](https://ziglang.org/learn/overview/#zig-competes-with-c-instead-of-depending-on-it), the following command causes an error: ``` $ zig build-exe hello.zig -O ReleaseSmall...

Right now, build-tarballs CI script creates tarballs & zip files for the download page. As part of this process, it uses [zig-bootstrap](https://github.com/ziglang/zig-bootstrap) to compile LLVM, Clang, LLD, and Zig for...


Currently, the website doesn't have any information related to the license notices of Zig's logo and mascots. GitHub repo manages them, but it is a bit difficult to find them....