Aleh Strakachuk
Aleh Strakachuk
Thank you for reply! > A follow up question on this one: > > I always assumed this samples would be used as more of an example/starting point to dashboards,...
> That sounds like a good idea. I've always installed the dashboards from yaml but I haven't needed to customize them. As part of the proposal, could you create a...
Fix here
Who faced with the same problem: I have added repo with http protocol, but nginx redirected it to https. So, update you repo url from http to https explicilty
I have the same issue. I'm using to unit test library for multiple python versions - from 3.6 to 3.10. pylint 2.13.9 is used to check And now I'd like...
How to understand, what's going wrong with build?
@aLekSer can you help with ci issiues?
Hi, @AgnesToulet! Sorry for disturbing you! I suppose you might be familiar with root cause of that issue and might help me :)
@AgnesToulet thanks for the replay! Yes, I want to render the whole dashboard, but in my integration test, I specified a fixed height and it worked before 3.8.3, and after...
I suppose issue somewhere around **_pvs.softwares_** variables, not **_pvs.nodes_**