Results 6 comments of Artem

@DekiChan YOU ARE THE BEST!!! Nginx INSIDE Docker metrica-agency-front-dev - Container with my web-site. Inside PORT = 3000 Full: http://metrica-agency-front-dev:3000 My solution is: resolver;

Hello! I have the same error...

How i can use elevation(shadows)? In my app i need to create TextBlock with shadow

Hello! I have the same problem... I fix it to downgrade GRADLE to 3.2.1 When I up it to 4.x.x - catch crash, when publish app in PlayMarket

Hello. I found how to fix it 3 steps 1. Up minSdk to 23 2. In add line: android.bundle.enableUncompressedNativeLibs=false; 3. In your manifest file add line: android:extractNativeLibs=«true»;

Plus 1 Hello I have clickhouse cluster - 4 servers (4 shards, no replicas). Now, this client can connect only to one instance (For example - shard 2). IF shard...