
Results 6 issues of zhxst

我试图用泛型封装模型如下 ``` class ResponseListModel: NSObject { var data: [T] = [] static func modelContainerPropertyGenericClass() -> [NSObject : AnyObject] { return ["data": T.self] } } ``` ``` class CategoryModel: NSObject {...


Hey, this MCT tool is very cool. I'm learning to create a flutter plugin for simple use. Currently I just learing form your source code for simple usage like read...

Hi. Thank you for this beautiful layout tool. It makes the layout work for flutter much easier. `GridFit.expand` will apply the size constraint to some Widgets, like Container and Image....

在Android 11 下,调用`WechatKitPlatform.instance.isInstalled()`始终返回false。 在iOS下就正常。 在网上及微信平台搜索,都说需要在AndroidManifest.xml中,加入以下字段 ```xml //微信包名 ``` 我在我的App中加入了也没有效果,但是我看plugin的`android/src/vendor/AndroidManifest.xml`下是有加这个的。 是还需要什么额外的配置吗?

I have issue to connect GitHub.com directly. So I have to use VPN to upgrade flutter. The sidekick currently doesn't follow the system proxy settings. When I upgrade flutter I...

help wanted

## What happened? The dart pad web page is scaled when I move the browser from MacBook screen to an external display, or vise versa. It was all right before...
