
Results 8 comments of zhuxinleibandou

> latest version is `0.5.2` - can you try that? There were some issues with RN 0.61 Thank you for your reply. The minimum version of our project is 0.61....

> ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4475472/78421932-da18ae80-7685-11ea-9fbb-2682d2e3efbd.png) > @zhuxinleibandou it doesn't work on RN 0.61.5, do you know why? sory I didn't run this program currently, I used another plus that 'react-native-color-wheel', you can try

求老哥百忙中写一个oc,写得非常好! 老哥写的开源框架一直都在使用!


@dingshaoran @santcool 请问两个大大,字体样式和大小是多少?谢谢了!^_^

> android 标题文字颜色 FF000000 文字大小 16sp > 当前已经是最新版本 文字颜色 000000 文字大小 14sp > 当前版本是 文字颜色 999999 文字大小 13sp 收到,谢谢了

@santcool 请问iOS的文字样式和大小是多少呀?和Android一样的吗?不甚感激,谢谢!

@zanetti4 请问iOS和Android的字体样式和大小是一样的吗?