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like: Selenide.$("").download(); Selenide.$("").uploadFile();


![image]( ``` @pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True, hookwrapper=True) def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call): # 什么时候去识别用例的执行结果呢? # 后置处理 yield:表示测试用例执行完了 outcome = yield rep = outcome.get_result() # 获取测试用例执行完成之后的结果 if rep.failed: # 判断用例执行情况:被调用并且失败 # 实现失败截图并添加到allure附件。截图方法需要使用driver对象,想办法把driver传过来 # 如果操作步骤过程中有异常,那么用例失败,在这里完成截图操作 try: img...

selene does not support thread concurrency for automation execution

I have many test cases that need to wait for all other cases to be executed before executing. However, the current grouping method does not support it