Planning-and-Control-for-Nonholonomic-Robot-Among-Obstacles copied to clipboard
Modified RRT*-based trajectory planning algorithm with customized heuristic function and feedback linearization controller
Planning and Control for Nonholonomic Car-like Robot Among Onstacles
Contributers: Zhuokai Zhao, Mengdi Xu, Changxin Yan [Github_]
.. _Github:
.. begin_brief_description
The project proposes a modified RRT*-based trajectory planning algorithm with customized heuristic function. A feedback linearization controller is proposed to ensure EduMIP’s accurate trajectory tracking. Experiments have been performed in both MATLAB and ROS Gazebo simulation environment.
.. contents:: Contents :local: :backlinks: none
.. begin_detailed_description Contains all the matlab codes for planning and simualtion in Matlab.
Reads an image type map (Images/Simple_Map.png), does the planning on this map and outputs a trajectory mat file in the following format:
[time; desired_x; desired_y; desired_velocity_x; desired_velocity_y; desired_acceleration_x; desired_acceleration; desired_theta;]
trajectory_tracking_with_video.m and trajectory_tracking_without_video.m
Simulates the trajectory tracking. Both files read the trajectory mat file (Matlab/final_trajectory.m) generated previously by C_RRTStar_Final.m. The trajectory_tracking_with_video.m outputs a annimation of the whole tracking process and takes more time to run. The trajectory_tracking_without_video.m outputs basic inputs and tracking path result.
ROS Gazebo Simulation
.. begin_detailed_description This package reads the predesighed trajectory in a .txt file and simulates the trajectory tracking.
On Debian/Ubuntu, first you need to set_up_Gazebo_environment_
.. _set_up_Gazebo_environment:
To launch the simulation, run
.. code-block:: bash
$ roslaunch robot gazebo_launch.launch
To start the simulation, run
.. code-block:: bash
$ roslaunch robot trajectory_tracking.launch
To visulize the odometry path of the robot in RVIZ
.. code-block:: bash
$roslaunch robot rviz_launch.launch
.. begin_detailed_description PDF version of the report which includes all the details about the algorithm and code.
The Gazebo simulation video can be found at link_
.. _link:
The planning result from MATLAB with the given map (Images/Simple_Map.png) should look like
.. image:: :alt: Planning trajectory :align: center
.. image:: :alt: Planning trajectory with quiver :align: center