Zhumatiy Sergey

Results 4 comments of Zhumatiy Sergey

18.04 is not supported anymore... How can I help to improve xCAT for this task? As I understand, it fails while installing packages inside chroot because it has not added...

I can try to fix it, I have a lot experience at perl coding :) But I cannot find right place to inject the fix (where chrooted source.list is creating),...

I had the same trouble. Fixed by excluding Firefox from apparmor profiles (or you can disable it at all, but I don't recommend to do this). Just move `/etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.filefox` into...

Thank you! The latest one helped. I had to install additional packages (`sudo apt install python3-dev libgirepository1.0-dev; pip install gobject PyGObject`, and yes, i have installed python3-gi system package, but...),...