# Issue The error > Expected directory 'E:\yp_rn_app\node_modules\react-native\android' to contain exactly one file, however, it contains more than one file. caused by ```groovy // android/build.gradle, line 163 def rnAAR =...
> I have a similar issue but with horizontal PagerView, which has pages containing WebViews. When I try to scroll the WebView vertically, it triggers the horizontal scroll in PagerView...
I already found a solution to avoid the problem: * Up-Down-Left-Right gesture conflict when WebView inside `PagerView` You just need to change `WebView` to `AnAutoHeightWebView` and wrap in a `ScrollView`,...
Hitting the issue when using createNativeStackNavigation in react-navigation 6.x,did author plan to fix it ?
There is a new version of `@react-native-community/cli` ([V8.0.3](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@react-native-community/cli/v/8.0.3)) released 2 days ago, after bump to this version, everything about react-native-sqlite-storage in my project works like before. Note: you can check...
[react-native-pdf+6.7.0.patch](https://github.com/wonday/react-native-pdf/files/11859687/react-native-pdf%2B6.7.0.patch) The patch above is purer as it only changes the deprecated function name without requiring the android-build-files patch. The following text is the content: ```patch diff --git a/node_modules/react-native-pdf/android/src/main/java/org/wonday/pdf/PdfManager.java b/node_modules/react-native-pdf/android/src/main/java/org/wonday/pdf/PdfManager.java...
> @zhuanghongji Can you please guide on how to apply this patch ? @Aaqib925 Just like @billnbell comment above, or you can check more detail in [ds300/patch-package](https://github.com/ds300/patch-package).
预研过一段时间 Weex ,下面回答不保证完全正确。 对应 Android 平台: * 疑问 1:应该是 `weex compile` 命令产生的 js 文件,对应于移动端,默认生成在 dist 目录下。 `weex build web` 产生的是 web 端的 js 文件,后缀名好像是 `.web.js` * 疑问 2:直接用 js 文件,可放在...
不知道你具体指的是不是这个,直接回答下: 举个栗子: Native 方法需要回调 JS 的方法时,在 module 实现的方法里添加一个入参 `JSCallback` ```java @WXModuleAnno(runOnUIThread = false) public void callTheCallback(JSCallback callback){ for(int i = 0;i
补充一个问题: Q3:**如果 ScrollView 内容的实际高度小于屏幕高度,如何让 EditText 滑到软键盘上方?** 答:有个不太优雅的方案是:在自定义键盘弹出之前,动态给对应的 ScrollView 加上一个一定高度的透明 View 来保证 ScrollView 足以滑动,在键盘关闭出之后再把该透明 View 从 ScrollView 中移除。 另外,之前在 RN 中自定义键盘,从根 ViewGroup 中遍历到 ScrollView,再往里面加透明 View,但发现不生效。不确定是不是当时写代码的姿势不对,后来没时间就放弃了在 RN 中自定义键盘。 所以,想追问下: Q4:**有没有一个更优雅的方案来解决键盘挡住输入框的问题,达到一个类似系统键盘的效果?**