Aten Zhang

Results 35 comments of Aten Zhang

The boot args may be saved in your nvram. Press F11 in the Clover interface to reset NVRAM would clean up these args.

You could try `nvram` command. Run `sudo nvram -d boot-args` can remove boot arguments. FYI: [Is there a list of available boot-args for darwin / OS X](

你好,看到你说的,我特意测试了一下,不接电源睡眠7个小时,电池只耗了4%的电量,没有遇到掉电快的现象。 以下可能的设置仅供参考: * `系统偏好设置->节能`里,我关闭了`电池供电时启用电能小憩`。 * 我加载了NVMeFix.kext,用来修复m.2固态的电源管理。 * 我的BIOS版本是1.41。

The same battery time on my Mac system too. But it doesn't bother me because I always use my laptop with AC adapter. This issue may cause by the NVMe...

Hot plug is working with my EFI, no other trick needed. I tested a USB-C to USB-A adapter and USB-C external monitor.