在视频tab页 切换的时候 会出现刷新不出来数据的情况
机型 mx3
**Description** Automatic encoder selection failed for output stream #0:0. Default encoder for format mp3 (codec mp3) is probably disabled. Please choose an encoder manually. **Expected behavior** format: wav convert mp3...
项目使用了getx框架, 在getx的GetView类下, 直接按照demo 中 FloatingManager.createFloating 这种创建方式报错 I/flutter ( 2812): debug- FlutterLog try-catch: Null check operator used on a null value #0 FloatingManager.createFloating (package:hugging_flutter/widget/floating/manager/floating_manager.dart:33:31)
**Describe the bug** The issue I'm facing is that the httpClient.timeout property of GetConnect does not seem to take effect when running my Flutter app on the web platform, while...