
Results 6 comments of zhourui

@zhouqingqing got it.

@zhouqingqing We usually express logical plans in relational algebra to analyse sql semantics. But we express logical plans in the following way. `{Agg(filter((a Inner (c Inner b))): a.a1[0]>b.b1[0] and a.a2[1]>c.c2[1])}`...

@zhouqingqing So this is just ToString() output in LISP format. OK, I understand, thanks.

``` -bash-4.2$ psql -d qpmodel -c "explain analyze $(cat /taurus/sql/qpmodel/tpch/q01.sql)" QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sort (cost=430.77..430.78 rows=6 width=36) (actual time=6.470..6.470 rows=4 loops=1) Sort Key: l_returnflag, l_linestatus Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 25kB...

@zhouqingqing "DISTRIBUTED BY" and "REPLICATED" is only support by pgsql-xl (citus/greenplum). I'm going to use pgsql-xl for the test. Is this correct?