
Results 27 comments of keke

Maybe we need `node eval` and `ast parser` both for named export & packaging depends on different situations.

Thanks for your hard working, the unit test is very simple which is written in native JavaScript. I will open-source it if you need this so that we can deliver...

Some hack details maybe useful for you to pass all unit test: * named export solution PRed by @wleonardo * some npm packaged by webpack * some npm use browser...

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Awesome project, and thanks for your TRUST. I'm very beginner for this project ( WebAssembly or its tools too) and can't deal so many details in this project. Due to...

Here is a temporary solution: ```js import { ListLifeCycleTypes } from '@alist/antd'; export default ($, actions) => { console.log($, actions); let crossPaginationSelectedRecords = new Set(); $(ListLifeCycleTypes.ON_LIST_MOUNTED).subscribe((payload) => { // enable...

还有一个有趣的 License:[GLWTPL](

Full Example ## SetNPM ```sh #!/usr/bin/env bash # Renders a text based list of options that can be selected by the # user using up, down and enter keys and...

1. 我对更自由的教育方式,虽然欢迎,也有点担忧,担心阶级固化会更严重 2. 教育资源方面,我希望互联网教育,能让这种稀缺资源更具普惠性。 3. 在越来越注重精神享受的背景下,未来工作会更注重独立思考能力,在此基础上衍生出的想象力和创造力。