Johanna Lindh

Results 6 issues of Johanna Lindh

Instead of just this line with little explanation: docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/" sitespeedio/ It would be great to have an example page that isn't, like docker run...


We need a better icon for changing language in a project that is currently using Eva. The most suitable icon right now in the Eva collection is perhaps the globe,...

Först och främst: Appen blir snyggare och proffsigare för varje uppdatering! Grymt jobbat av alla inbandade! När det gäller vyn Dina barn ser jag att någon tycker att vyn är...


I tried to follow the instructions in the readme, but got stuck. Please help me out and let's improve the instructions for everyone along the way. Note that I'm still...


I'm reporting this as a feature request but kind of also think it's a bug. I would like the whole node to adjust to the font size of its containing...

Type: Enhancement
Graph: Flow

Det är så skönt att dagens lunch visas direkt efter inloggning i appen. Men det har hänt flera gånger, i synnerhet på kvällen, att jag velat se morgondagens lunch för...