Results 15 issues of Bo Zhou

Or shall we use CMake as our build system ? Thanks !

Hi I found that this driver doesn't support *cl_khr_gl_sharing*, is there any plan for this ? Thanks !

Feature request

### Describe the solution you'd like It would be great to have the language support for the Rust as it for server and client.

type: feature

Hi Is there anybody knows how to solve the following issue on Ubuntu 16 ? ``` install -m 755 -p /home/qtdev/Development/StratifyQML/StratifyLabs/StratifyLabsUI/UI.1/SText.qml /tmp/StratifyQML/UI.1/ strip /tmp/StratifyQML/UI.1/SText.qml strip:/tmp/StratifyQML/UI.1/SText.qml: File format not recognized ```...

Hi, I have a question on EFS with K8s. Assume we have 1 EFS, and a small K8s with 10 Nodes, each Node is executing Pod which requires good IO...

Hi ! I'd like to know how to safely drain the Pod and Node as kubectl does, is there any example ? If Update() method is possible, is that safe...

As title, the link is not accessible.

Hi, we're counting an issue about how to preserve the RGB isn't black but its alpha=0. Here is the example C code ```c #include #include #include int width = 128,...

For example, ```golang r.Group(func(r chi.Router) { r.Get(options.BaseURL+"/something", wrapper.CreateSomething) }) ``` it would be great to make the string `/something` become public constant, as enum string, so that the other code...

Hi, I'm using last main branch and trying to train Japanese, prepared some text from news but it generated the following error If remove all Japanese Zenkaku characters, which means...
