Zhong Peixiang

Results 5 issues of Zhong Peixiang

For seq2seq-translation-batched tutorial, In the `forward `function of `BahdanauAttnDecoderRNN`, It has a log_softmax function on the output: `output = F.log_softmax(self.out(torch.cat((output, context), 1)))` In the **masked_cross_entropy.py** file, it has another log_softmax...

As the title says, using only comments leads to some information loss because the post is not used. Any reasons?

As shown in the image above, the domain classifier loss is almost constant throughout the training process. I use a ViT as the feature extractor, a linear layer as label...

Hi, Thank you very much for sharing your work! I have a few questions regarding evaluations for keyword predictions. I'm sorry that I may miss or misunderstand your code since...

I trained a keyword neural model and obtained around **0.08** test R@1. I also trained a retrieval baseline (without ketword conditioning) and obtained around **0.51** test R@1. However, when I...