when I run "th caffemodel_to_t7.lua" . I got the following error. [libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/text_format.cc:288] Error parsing text-format caffe.NetParameter: 42:14: Message type "caffe.PythonParameter" has no field named "param_str". Successfully loaded /home/xin/pytorch-vgg-master/snapshot_iter_2320.caffemodel...
## Env - GPU:RTX2080 - OS:Win10 - Cuda version:11.0 - TensorRT version: ## About this repo - which branch/tag/commit are you using? - which model? yolov5 ## Your problem -...
你好,在使用本工程的代码时发现一个图片标签错误的BUG,是因为**换行符导致的图片标签错误**,具体如下: 出错的代码在_own.py文件的24行 self.labels = [{c.split(' ')[0]: c.split(' ')[-1][:-1]} for c in file.readlines()] **当用户的text.txt的最后一行是空白行时,得到的图片标签是“205341_02.PNG“:” JC1839”** text.txt文件的最后两行如下 205341_02.PNG JC1839 # 这是文件的倒数第二行 **这是文件的最后一行,空白行** **当用户的text.txt的最后一行不是空白行时,得到的图片标签是“205341_02.PNG“:” JC183”** 205341_02.PNG JC1839 # 这是文件的最后一行 正确的应该是 self.labels = [{c.split('...
When I run "th caffemodel_to_t7.lua ",I got the following error. [libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/text_format.cc:288] Error parsing text-format caffe.NetParameter: 42:14: Message type "caffe.PythonParameter" has no field named "param_str". Successfully loaded /home/xin/pytorch-vgg-master/snapshot_iter_2320.caffemodel warning:...