
Results 14 issues of 木杉

- core - [ ] Serverless - router - [x] Redesign: For "static routes", we always match strictly equal strings. For "param routes", we will match 1 or more characters,...

`deno_init` is just a temporary solution when no vscode extension available. Now you can use [vscode-deno](https://github.com/justjavac/vscode-deno) _Originally posted by @zhmushan in https://github.com/zhmushan/deno_init/issues/1#issuecomment-482751443_

From https://github.com/denolib/setup-deno/issues/47#issuecomment-736301440 ```yml steps: - uses: denolib/setup-deno@v3 with: deno-version: 973af61d8bb03c1709f61e456581d58386ed4952 deno-canary: true ```

# Dont Merge 我们在这个分支完成第一部分类型增强计划

## 第一部分 - 忽略 proxy.ts 文件中的类型, 将它当作一个 js 文件 - 尽可能不使用可选类型, 这样做可以减轻负担, 将开发时体验移到下个阶段开始做 - 优先规定函数输入输出类型, 放弃内部 - 将复杂类型统一抽象 - 减少花里胡哨的编程方式, 尽量不要使用高阶函数, 过度重载, 两层以上的箭头函数, 此处必须 @yisar ## 第二部分 - 增强开发时体验, 完成第一部分后再补

### Prerequisites - [X] I have written a descriptive issue title - [X] I have searched existing issues to ensure the feature has not already been requested ### 🚀 Feature...

### This function solves the problem (这个功能解决的问题) NaiveUI ESM doesn't work on Nodejs and Browser. I want to import NaiveUI on native Nodejs to help me generate a static site,...

feature request

Could we build an installer for `aarch64-pc-windows-msvc` ? (I'm working on Surface Pro X)


### Describe the feature Currently, UnoCSS uses JITI to read configuration files for better intelligence in VSCode. However, JITI cannot handle modules imported from HTTP, which results in UnoCSS not...

It is easy to increase the mental burden by specifying the handle through the selector. I need to always pay attention that there is no duplicate name in these selectors....