
Results 7 issues of zhibisora

There is such a line in run.R. ```R source(file.path(appwd, 'app', 'app.R')) ``` And I think ```R source(file.path(appwd, 'app', 'app.R'), encoding="utf-8") ``` is greater. Without this parameter, special characters in many...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/73344387/215518094-c1dd6215-eb27-41fd-93e9-df965969f908.png) 机器: CentOS 7.9.2009 x86_64(Py3.7.9) 目前来看解决方案只有在其他可以运行 mkmoonworld-x86_64 的机器上面使用 moon.json 文件生成planet 然后再放进docker里

Is there anyone else developing this repository? Kext needs to be rewritten as dext to support versions after Catalina.

google的bart最近更新了中文支持, 可以使用目前的测试集进行测试了, 想看一下它和gpt-3.5和gpt-4的差距

### Steps to reproduce just use these examples https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/cupertino/CupertinoContextMenu-class.html In ios17 on the contextMenu does not have two animations, it only triggers a long press animation, the animation draws a...

use ```dart final String arch = globals.platform.version.contains('arm64') ? 'arm64' : globals.platform.version.contains('x86_64') ? 'x86_64' : ''; final String destination = 'platform=macOS${arch.isEmpty?'':',arch=$arch'}'; ``` and ```dart '-destination', destination, ``` make Xcode know which...

a: desktop

### OS macOS 15.0 ### LinearMouse v0.10.0 ### Is your feature request related to a problem? _No response_ ### Describe the solution you'd like Reverse scrolling is not available when...
