### Describe the bug Hello, I tried the following code to write frames into video: ``` fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v') vid_out = cv2.VideoWriter(args.output, fourcc, fps, (w, h)) ret = True while...
Hi, I was trying to run webcam_demo.py. When I tried to reinstall mmcv as suggested, I got the following error: dont know what this is all about. Any suggestions how...
Hi there, I don't know how to run SMPLX based models like EXPOSE. Is there a script like "estimate_smpl.py" but written for SMPLX? Thanks in advance!
Hello, The output of smpl pose parameter is a matrix of shape 24*3, what is the corresponding meaning of all 24 joints and what is the meaning of the 3D...
Hello there, Thanks for your amazing work and it really helps me a lot. But I have some questions about the output of ROMP. 1. I notice there are two...
Hello, I notice that the output of the model is 216, which is 18x12, and can be converted to 18x6 from rotation matrix to euler angle, where 18 is the...
Hello, I am trying to run you great work with the command: python main_v2.py -c config/multimodal_context_v2.yml but got an error: File "/home/zhewei.qiu/anaconda3/envs/s2ag-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/functional.py", line 1237, in leaky_relu result = torch._C._nn.leaky_relu_(input, negative_slope)...
Hello, I notice the physical meaning of output is the direction vector with the spine (or pelvis) as the origin, which is not compatible with the existing rendering engine such...
Hello, Thank for your great efforts collecting papers. I notice that most of them lack open source code. I am wondering if they are available.