Peirong Zheng
Peirong Zheng
- 感谢大神的好工具,已经超级强大了,帮我解决了大问题! 1. 希望在查词时,默认英英词典,看不懂再选择英汉词典。不过我也可以手动切换哈哈。 2. 我调整了【夜间模式】:在这个界面,换上这两行代码就好啦。 color: #fff; background-color: black; 
Please correct this in the []
Dear Author, Your contribution is critical for the open-source community. The distributed-llama repo has implemented tensor parallelism from scratch. And the result is amazingly significant. However, there are still improvements...
1. colab有[开源的派蒙VITS模型]( 2. huggingface还有几十个中日英三语的[语音合成模型]( 希望楼主早日添加更新!
# Let's calculate the transfer time theoretically. ## llama3 8B The original experiment data is [here]( Since the transfer is full-duplex, there's no interference between uplink and downlink. So, we...
Dear author, I am using Raspberrry Pi 4B, and here is my result: 1. ```sh pi@node01:~/py-videocore6 $ PYTHONPATH=sandbox/ python3 examples/ ==== sgemm example (1024x1024 times 1024x1024) ==== numpy: 0.08994...