jie zheng
jie zheng
_From [[email protected]](https://code.google.com/u/116795168307825520406/) on January 27, 2010 18:03:35_ Background: SWO currently uses is_manufactured_by to relate a software-ICE to a company, while the is_manufactured_by relation originally relates independent continuant to a company....
_From [[email protected]](https://code.google.com/u/116795168307825520406/) on January 25, 2010 11:00:51_ See http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=4B56DD9F.9000404%40ebi.ac.uk&forum_name=efo-users for full thread. issue: SWO imports IAO_0000030, but with label "information" and no definition. reason: I would love to pull in...
_From [[email protected]](https://code.google.com/u/[email protected]/) on January 07, 2010 16:07:49_ As one would find in a journal article _Original issue: http://code.google.com/p/information-artifact-ontology/issues/detail?id=73_
_From [[email protected]](https://code.google.com/u/113432818945296017912/) on December 03, 2009 09:40:14_ I have created this term in OBI already, but believe it should be handled in IAO instead. OBI ID is: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/obi.owl#Class_7 Please indicate...
_From [[email protected]](https://code.google.com/u/[email protected]/) on November 21, 2009 08:34:40_ PDB coordinate systems is interesting, semi-numerical named, with underlying sequential ordering. Would be good to have a way to represent such. _Original issue:...
VO:0001224 Viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus vaccine VO:0003056 viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus vaccine Same vaccine with different label and ID, need to be merged. Propose to keep VO:0001224 with label 'Viral...
VO:0007108 [Synchotrope TA2M Vaccine](https://violinet.org/canvaxkb/vaccine_detail.php?c_vaccine_id=4002) VO:0007109 [Synchrotope TA2M Plasmid DNA Vaccine](https://violinet.org/canvaxkb/vaccine_detail.php?c_vaccine_id=5218)
VO contains many organism specific proteins. Some of them are available in Protein Ontology. We may consider to replace VO terms with PR ones. For example, - [VO: human protein](http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/VO_0000516)...
VO [immunization](http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/VO_0000490): immunization is a processual entity that primes or modifies an adaptivie immune response to some antigens. OBI [immunization](http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_1110094): The process of an epitope that is part of or...
'DNA vaccine expresses protein antigen' is a VO specific relation, a subProperty of RO: 'expresses'. The relation 'DNA vaccine expresses protein antigen' just used in once to [DNA and MVA...