jie zheng
jie zheng
_From [[email protected]](https://code.google.com/u/100840849128868144328/) on February 26, 2014 12:10:19_ Shall we logically define'centrally registered identifier' http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/IAO_0000578 as 'information content entity' and is_specified_output_of some 'assigning a centrally registered identifier' Since it allows us...
_From [[email protected]](https://code.google.com/u/100346883532133950810/) on February 26, 2014 01:47:37_ Lead to a confusion in OBI review. Make it better. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/obi-developer/4IJkVuFAzvQ Jie said: Here is the definitions of CRID and CRID symbol in...
_From [[email protected]](https://code.google.com/u/[email protected]/) on February 21, 2014 14:25:52_ The import of protege-dc doesn't load right now. The location where it was appears to be empty. I posted the same issue to...
_From [[email protected]](https://code.google.com/u/104091731204665467144/) on December 11, 2013 19:18:53_ Suppose I have a kit to assemble. It contains parts and a set of instructions. The instructions are the plan specification. What is...
_From [[email protected]](https://code.google.com/u/114225325211762659400/) on September 20, 2013 00:05:12_ When I open ontology-metadata.owl from the purl, there are not annotations (e.g., definition, source) attached to "information content entity". They are there in...
_From [[email protected]](https://code.google.com/u/100840849128868144328/) on August 27, 2013 13:03:42_ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/IAO_0000600 was used by two terms: 1. Class: predict value 2. Annotation Property: elucidation Issue caused by Bjoern edited BFO preGraz release compatible...
_From [[email protected]](https://code.google.com/u/114346389741287394415/) on July 09, 2013 13:57:07_ OLiA http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/system/files/swj409.pdf and http://nachhalt.sfb632.uni-potsdam.de/owl/ GOLD http://linguistics-ontology.org/ IsoCAT http://www.isocat.org/ _Original issue: http://code.google.com/p/information-artifact-ontology/issues/detail?id=142_
_From [[email protected]](https://code.google.com/u/110752293419737428009/) on April 30, 2013 03:19:11_ http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3603259&group_id=177891&atid=886178 _Original issue: http://code.google.com/p/information-artifact-ontology/issues/detail?id=140_
_From [[email protected]](https://code.google.com/u/116795168307825520406/) on January 21, 2013 17:33:22_ Replace has ID prefix/rdfs:label with example has ID prefix': " http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/RO_ with 2 annotation properties 'ID prefix' or 'ID space': RO URI prefix':...
_From [[email protected]](https://code.google.com/u/116795168307825520406/) on January 21, 2013 13:41:55_ - ontology: An ontology is a document modeling knowledge of a domain in a logical way. - mailing-list: A mailing list is a...