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all methods related to Enterobase
EToKi (Enterobase Tool Kit)
All methods related to Enterobase data analysis pipelines.
EToKi was developed and tested in both Python 2.7 and Python 3.5. EToKi depends on several Python libraries:
All libraries can be installed using pip:
pip install ete3 numba numpy pandas sklearn psutil
EToKi also calls the following 3rd party programs for different pipelines:
kraken2 & minikraken2
lastal & lastdb
All 3rd party programs except for usearch can be automatically installed using configure command:
python configure --install --download_krakenDB
NOTE: This has only been tested in Ubutu 16.06 but is expected to run on other 64-bit Linux systems.
Usearch is a commercial program and allows free use of the 32-bit version for individuals. Please download it from
After it is downloaded, pass its executable file to EToKi using --usearch
python configure --usearch /path/to/usearch
You can also run both --install and --usearch at the same time:
python configure --install --download_krakenDB --usearch /path/to/usearch
Note that --download_krakenDB will download the minikraken2 database, which is about 8GB in size. Alternatively, you can use --link_krakenDB to pass a different Kraken database to EToKi.
python configure --install --link_krakenDB /path/to/krakenDB --usearch /path/to/usearch
You can also use pre-installed 3rd party programs in EToKi, by passing their absolute paths into the program using --path. This argument can be specified multiple times in the same command:
python configure --path fasttree=/path/to/fasttree --path raxml=/path/to/raxml
Quick Start (with examples)
Trim genomic reads
python prepare --pe examples/S_R1.fastq.gz,examples/S_R2.fastq.gz -p examples/prep_out
Merge and trim metagenomic reads
python prepare --pe examples/S_R1.fastq.gz,examples/S_R2.fastq.gz -p examples/meta_out --noRename --merge
Assemble genomic reads using SPAdes
python assemble --pe examples/prep_out_L1_R1.fastq.gz,examples/prep_out_L1_R2.fastq.gz --se examples/prep_out_L1_SE.fastq.gz -p examples/asm_out
Assemble genomic reads using MEGAHIT
python assemble --se examples/meta_out_L1_MP.fastq.gz \
--pe examples/meta_out_L1_R1.fastq.gz,examples/meta_out_L1_R2.fastq.gz --se examples/meta_out_L1_SE.fastq.gz \
-p examples/asm_out2 --assembler megahit
Map reads onto reference, with pre-filtering with ingroups and outgroups
python assemble --se examples/meta_out_L1_MP.fastq.gz --metagenome \
--pe examples/meta_out_L1_R1.fastq.gz,examples/meta_out_L1_R2.fastq.gz --se examples/meta_out_L1_SE.fastq.gz \
-p examples/map_out -r examples/GCF_000010485.1_ASM1048v1_genomic.fna.gz \
-i examples/GCF_000214765.2_ASM21476v3_genomic.fna.gz -o examples/GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2_genomic.fna.gz
Prepare reference alleles and a local database for 7 Gene MLST scheme
python MLSTdb -i examples/Escherichia.Achtman.alleles.fasta -r examples/Escherichia.Achtman.references.fasta -d examples/
Calculate 7 Gene MLST genotype for a queried genome
gzip -cd examples/GCF_001566635.1_ASM156663v1_genomic.fna.gz > examples/GCF_001566635.1_ASM156663v1_genomic.fna && \
python MLSType -i examples/GCF_001566635.1_ASM156663v1_genomic.fna -r examples/Escherichia.Achtman.references.fasta -k G749 -o stdout -d examples/
Run EBEis (EnteroBase Escherichia in silico serotyping)
python EBEis -t Escherichia -q examples/GCF_000010485.1_ASM1048v1_genomic.fna -p SE15
Cluster sequences into similarity-based groups
python clust -p examples/Escherichia.Achtman.alleles_clust -i examples/Escherichia.Achtman.alleles.fasta -d 0.95 -c 0.95
Do a joint BLASTn-like search using BLASTn, uSearch (uBLASTp), Mimimap and mmseqs
python uberBlast -q examples/Escherichia.Achtman.alleles.fasta -r examples/GCF_001566635.1_ASM156663v1_genomic.fna -o examples/G749_7Gene.bsn --blastn --ublast --minimap --mmseq -s 2 -f
align multiple genomes onto one reference
python align -r GCF_000010485:examples/GCF_000010485.1_ASM1048v1_genomic.fna.gz -p examples/phylo_out \
GCF_000005845:examples/GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2_genomic.fna.gz \
GCF_000214765:examples/GCF_000214765.2_ASM21476v3_genomic.fna.gz \
Build ML tree using RAxML and place all SNPs onto branches in the tree
cd examples && python ../ phylo -t snp2mut -p phylo_out -s phylo_out.matrix.gz --ng && cd ..
The first argument passed into EToKi specifies the command to be called and the rest are the parameters for that command. To see all the commands available in EToKi, use
python -h
And to see the parameters for an individual command, use: <command> -h
configure - install and/or configure 3rd party programs
See the INSTALL section or the help page below.
usage: configure [-h] [--install] [--usearch USEARCH]
[--link_krakenDB KRAKEN_DATABASE] [--path PATH]
Install or modify the 3rd party programs.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--install install 3rd party programs
--usearch USEARCH usearch is required for ortho and MLSType. A 32-bit
version of usearch can be downloaded from
--download_krakenDB When specified, miniKraken2 (8GB) will be downloaded
into the EToKi folder. You can also use
--link_krakenDB to use a pre-installed kraken2
Kraken is optional in the assemble module. You can
specify your own database here
--path PATH, -p PATH Specify path to the 3rd party programs manually.
Format: <program>=<path>. This parameter can be
specified multiple times
prepare - trim, collapse, downsize and rename the short reads
usage: prepare [-h] [--pe PE] [--se SE] [-p PREFIX] [-q READ_QUAL]
[-b MAX_BASE] [-m MEMORY] [--noTrim] [--merge]
[--noRename] prepare
(1) Concatenates reads of the same library together.
(2) Merge pair-end sequences for metagenomic reads (bbmap).
(3) Trims sequences based on base-qualities (bbduk).
(4) Removes potential adapters and barcodes (bbduk).
(5) Limits total amount of reads to be used.
(6) Renames reads using sequential numbers.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--pe PE comma delimited files of PE reads from the same library.
e.g. --pe a_R1.fq.gz,a_R2.fq.gz,b_R1.fq.gz,b_R2.fq.gz
This can be specified multiple times for different libraries.
--se SE comma delimited files of SE reads from the same library.
e.g. --se c_SE.fq.gz,d_SE.fq.gz
This can be specified multiple times for different libraries.
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
prefix for the outputs. Default: EToKi_prepare
-q READ_QUAL, --read_qual READ_QUAL
Minimum quality to be kept in bbduk. Default: 6
-b MAX_BASE, --max_base MAX_BASE
Total amount of bases (in BPs) to be kept.
Default as -1 for no restriction.
Suggest to use ~100X coverage for de novo assembly.
-m MEMORY, --memory MEMORY
maximum amount of memory to be used in bbduk. Default: 30g
--noTrim Do not do quality trim using bbduk
--merge Try to merge PE reads by their overlaps using bbmap
--noRename Do not rename reads
assemble - de novo or reference-guided assembly for genomic or metagenomic reads
EToKi assemble is a joint method for both de novo assembly and reference-guided assembly.
de novo assembly approach calls either SPAdes (default) or MEGAHIT (default for metagenomic data) on short reads that have been cleaned up using EToKi prepare, and uses Pilon to polish the assembled scaffolds and evaluate the reliability of consensus bases of the scaffolds.
Reference-guided assembly is also called "reference mapping". Short reads are aligned to a user-specified reference genome using minimap2. Nucleotide bases of the reference genome are updated using Pilon, according to the consensus base calls of the covered reads. Non-specific metagenomic reads of closely related species can sometimes also align to the reference genome and confuse consensus calling. Two arguments, --outgroup and --ingroup, are given to pre-filter these non-specific reads and obtain clean SNP calls.
usage: assemble [-h] [--pe PE] [--se SE] [--pacbio PACBIO] [--ont ONT] [-p PREFIX] [-a ASSEMBLER] [-r REFERENCE] [-k KMERS] [-m MAPPER] [-d MAX_DIFF] [-i INGROUP] [-o OUTGROUP] [-S SNP] [-c CONT_DEPTH]
[--excluded EXCLUDED] [--metagenome] [--numPolish NUMPOLISH] [--reassemble] [--onlySNP] [--noQuality] [--onlyEval] [--kraken] assemble
(1.1) Assembles short reads into assemblies, or
(1.2) Maps them onto a reference.
(2) Polishes consensus using polish,
(3) Removes low level contaminations.
(4) Estimates the base quality of the consensus.
(5) Predicts taxonomy using Kraken.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--pe PE comma delimited two files of PE reads.
--se SE one file of SE read.
--pacbio PACBIO one file of pacbio read.
--ont ONT one file of nanopore read.
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
prefix for the outputs. Default: EToKi_assemble
Assembler used for de novo assembly.
Disabled if you specify a reference.
Default: spades for single colony isolates, megahit for metagenome.
Long reads will always be assembled with Flye
Reference for read mapping. Specify this for reference mapping module.
-k KMERS, --kmers KMERS
relative lengths of kmers used in SPAdes. Default: 30,50,70,90
-m MAPPER, --mapper MAPPER
aligner used for read mapping.
options are: miminap (default), bwa or bowtie2
-d MAX_DIFF, --max_diff MAX_DIFF
Maximum proportion of variations allowed for a aligned reads.
Default: 0.1 for single isolates, 0.05 for metagenome
-i INGROUP, --ingroup INGROUP
Additional references presenting intra-population genetic diversities.
-o OUTGROUP, --outgroup OUTGROUP
Additional references presenting genetic diversities outside of the studied population.
Reads that are more similar to outgroups will be excluded from analysis.
-S SNP, --SNP SNP Exclusive set of SNPs. This will overwrite the polish process.
Required format:
<cont_name> <site> <base_type>
-c CONT_DEPTH, --cont_depth CONT_DEPTH
Allowed range of read depth variations relative to average value.
Default: 0.2,2.5
Contigs with read depths outside of this range will be removed from the final assembly.
--excluded EXCLUDED A name of the file that contains reads to be excluded from the analysis.
--metagenome Reads are from metagenomic samples
--numPolish NUMPOLISH
Number of Pilon polish iterations. Default: 1
--reassemble Do local re-assembly in PILON. Suggest to use this flag with long reads.
--onlySNP Only modify substitutions during the PILON polish.
--noQuality Do not estimate base qualities.
--onlyEval Do not run assembly/mapping. Only evaluate assembly status.
--kraken Run kmer based species predicton on contigs.
ortho - pan-genome (and wgMLST scheme) prediction
EToKi ortho has now been migrated to a separate repository and renamed as PEPPA.
MLSTdb - Set up exemplar alleles and database for MLST schemes
EToKi MLSTdb converts existing allelic sequences into two files: (1) a multi-fasta file of exemplar allelic sequences and (2) a lookup table for the EToKi MLSType method.
- The exemplar alleles are defined as:
- Over 40% identity to the allelic sequences of a reference genome specified by --refstrain
- Less than 90% identity between different exemplar sequences of the same locus
- Identity to sequences of any different locus that is at least 10% less than the similarity to sequences of the same locus.
usage: MLSTdb [-h] -i ALLELEFASTA [-r REFSET] [-d DATABASE]
[-c COVERAGE] [-e]
MLSTdb. Create reference sets of alleles for nomenclature.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
[REQUIRED] A single file contains all known alleles in
a MLST scheme.
-r REFSET, --refset REFSET
[DEFAULT: No ref allele] Output - Reference alleles
used for MLSType.
-d DATABASE, --database DATABASE
[DEFAULT: No allele DB] Output - A lookup table of all
[DEFAULT: None] A single file contains alleles from
the reference genome.
-x MAX_IDEN, --max_iden MAX_IDEN
[DEFAULT: 0.9 ] Maximum identities between resulting
-m MIN_IDEN, --min_iden MIN_IDEN
[DEFAULT: 0.4 ] Minimum identities between refstrain
and resulting refAlleles.
-p PARALOG, --paralog PARALOG
[DEFAULT: 0.1 ] Minimum differences between difference
-c COVERAGE, --coverage COVERAGE
[DEFAULT: 0.7 ] Proportion of aligned regions between
-e, --relaxEnd [DEFAULT: False ] Allow changed ends (for pubmlst).
MLSType - MLST nomenclature using a local set of references
EToKi MLSType identities allelic sequences in a queried genome, by comparing it with the exemplar alleles generated by MLSTdb.
usage: MLSType [-h] -i GENOME -r REFALLELE -k UNIQUE_KEY
[-d DATABASE] [-o OUTPUT] [-q] [-f] [-m MIN_IDEN]
[--overlap_prop OVERLAP_PROP]
[--overlap_iden OVERLAP_IDEN] [--max_dist MAX_DIST]
[--diag_diff DIAG_DIFF] [--max_diff MAX_DIFF]
MLSType. Find and designate MLST alleles from a queried assembly.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i GENOME, --genome GENOME
[REQUIRED] Input - filename for genomic assembly.
[REQUIRED] Input - fasta file for reference alleles.
-k UNIQUE_KEY, --unique_key UNIQUE_KEY
[REQUIRED] An unique identifier for the assembly.
-d DATABASE, --database DATABASE
[OPTIONAL] Input - lookup table of existing alleles.
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
[DEFAULT: No output] Output - filename for the
generated alleles. Specify to STDOUT for screen
-q, --query_only [DEFAULT: False] Do not submit new allele, only query.
-f, --force [DEFAULT: False] Force to accept low quality alleles.
-m MIN_IDEN, --min_iden MIN_IDEN
[DEFAULT: 0.65 ] Minimum identities between refAllele
and genome.
-p MIN_FRAG_PROP, --min_frag_prop MIN_FRAG_PROP
[DEFAULT: 0.6 ] Minimum covereage of a fragment.
-l MIN_FRAG_LEN, --min_frag_len MIN_FRAG_LEN
[DEFAULT: 50 ] Minimum length of a fragment.
[DEFAULT: -1,-1 ] Call alleles in intergenic region if
the distance between two closely located loci fall
within the range defined by the two numbers. Suggest
to use 50,500. This is diabled by default with minus
--overlap_prop OVERLAP_PROP
[DEFAULT: 0.5 ] Given two hits, if <overlap_prop> of
their regions overlap, and the sequence identities of
one hits is <overlap_iden> lower than the other. The
hit with lower identities will be removed.
--overlap_iden OVERLAP_IDEN
[DEFAULT: 0.05 ] Given two hits, if <overlap_prop> of
their regions overlap, and the sequence identities of
one hits is <overlap_iden> lower than the other. The
hit with lower identities will be removed.
--max_dist MAX_DIST [DEFAULT: 300 ] Consider two closely located hits as a
synteny block if their coordinates in both queried
genomes and reference gene are seperated by no more
than <max_dist> bps.
--diag_diff DIAG_DIFF
[DEFAULT: 1.2 ] Consider two closely located hits as a
synteny block if, after merged, its covered region in
the queried genome is no more than <diag_diff> folds
of the region in the reference gene.
--max_diff MAX_DIFF [DEFAULT: 200 ] Consider two closely located hits as a
synteny block if, after merged, the lengths of its
covered regions in the queried genome and the
reference gene are differed by no more than <max_diff>
align - align multiple queried genomes to a single reference
usage: align [-h] -r REFERENCE [-p PREFIX] [-a] [-m] [-l] [-c CORE]
[-n N_PROC]
queries [queries ...]
Align multiple genomes onto a single reference.
positional arguments:
queries queried genomes. Use <Tag>:<Filename> format to feed
in a tag for each genome. Otherwise filenames will be
used as tags for genomes.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
[REQUIRED; INPUT] reference genomes to be aligned
against. Use <Tag>:<Filename> format to assign a tag
to the reference.
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
[OUTPUT] prefix for all outputs.
-a, --alignment [OUTPUT] Generate core genomic alignments in FASTA
-m, --matrix [OUTPUT] Do not generate core SNP matrix
-l, --last Activate to use LAST as aligner. [DEFAULT: minimap2]
-c CORE, --core CORE [PARAM] percentage of presences for core genome.
[DEFAULT: 0.95]
-n N_PROC, --n_proc N_PROC
[PARAM] number of processes to use. [DEFAULT: 5]
phylo - infer phylogeny and ancestral states from genomic alignments
usage: phylo [-h] [--tasks TASKS] --prefix PREFIX
[--alignment ALIGNMENT] [--snp SNP] [--tree TREE]
[--ancestral ANCESTRAL] [--core CORE] [--n_proc N_PROC]
EToKi phylo runs to:
(1) Generate SNP matrix from alignment (-t matrix)
(2) Calculate ML phylogeny from SNP matrix using RAxML (-t phylogeny)
(3) Workout the nucleotide sequences of internal nodes in the tree using ML estimation (-t ancestral or -t ancestral_proportion for ratio frequencies)
(4) Place mutations onto branches of the tree (-t mutation)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--tasks TASKS, -t TASKS
Tasks to call. Allowed tasks are:
matrix: generate SNP matrix from alignment.
phylogeny: generate phylogeny from SNP matrix.
ancestral: generate AS (ancestral state) matrix from SNP matrix and phylogeny
ancestral_proportion: generate possibilities of AS for each site
mutation: assign SNPs into branches from AS matrix
You can run multiple tasks by sending a comma delimited task list.
There are also some pre-defined task combo:
all: matrix,phylogeny,ancestral,mutation
aln2phy: matrix,phylogeny [default]
snp2anc: phylogeny,ancestral
mat2mut: ancestral,mutation
--prefix PREFIX, -p PREFIX
prefix for all outputs.
aligned sequences in either fasta format or Xmfa format. Required for "matrix" task.
--snp SNP, -s SNP SNP matrix in specified format. Required for "phylogeny" and "ancestral" if alignment is not given
--tree TREE, -z TREE phylogenetic tree. Required for "ancestral" task
Inferred ancestral states in a specified format. Required for "mutation" task
--core CORE, -c CORE Core genome proportion. Default: 0.95
--n_proc N_PROC, -n N_PROC
Number of processes. Default: 7.
EBEis - in silico serotype prediction for Escherichia coli & Shigella spp.
EBEis is a BLASTn based prediction tool for the O and H antigens of Escherichia coli and Shigella. It uses essential genes (wzx, wzy, wzt & wzm for O; fliC for H) as markers. EBEis uses a database built from two sources:
- SeroTypeFinder
- O-antigen gene sequences reported in DebRoy et al., PLoS ONE, 2016
usage: EBEis [-h] -q QUERY [-t TAXON] [-p PREFIX]
EnteroBase Escherichia in silico serotyping
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-q QUERY, --query QUERY
file name for the queried assembly in multi-FASTA format.
-t TAXON, --taxon TAXON
Taxon database to compare with.
Only support Escherichia (default) for the moment.
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
prefix for intermediate files. Default: EBEis
isCRISPOL - in silico prediction of CRISPOL array for Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium
CRISPOL is an oligo based Typhimurium sub-typing method described in (Fabre et al., PLoS ONE, 2012). We use the direct repeats (DRs) and spacers in the Typhimurium CPRISR array to predict CRISPOL types from genomic assemblies.
usage: isCRISPOL [-h] [N [N ...]]
in silico Typhimurium subtyping using CRISPOL scheme (Fabre et al., PLoS ONE, 2012)
positional arguments:
N FASTA files containing assemblies of S. enterica Typhimurium.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
uberBlast - Use BLASTn, uBLASTp, minimap2 and/or mmseqs to identify similar sequences
EToKi uberBlast is also internally called by EToKi ortho to align exemplar genes to queried genomes, using both BLASTn and uSearch-uBLASTp. Amino acid alignments are converted back to nucleotide sequences, meaning that genome coordinates remain consistent across different methods.
- minimap2 --- Fastest alignment in nucleotide level. High accuracy in identities >= 90%, but lose sensitivity quickly for lower identities.
- blastn --- Fast alignment in nucleotide level. Lose sensitivity for identities < 80%
- mmseqs --- Amino acid based alignment for identities >= 70% (open source)
- uBLASTp --- Amino acid based alignment for identities < 50% (commercial software)
usage: uberBlast [-h] -r REFERENCE -q QUERY [-o OUTPUT] [--blastn]
[--ublast] [--ublastSELF] [--minimap] [--minimapASM]
[--mmseq] [--min_id MIN_ID] [--min_cov MIN_COV]
[--min_ratio MIN_RATIO] [-s RE_SCORE] [-f]
[--filter_cov FILTER_COV]
[--filter_score FILTER_SCORE] [-m]
[--merge_gap MERGE_GAP] [--merge_diff MERGE_DIFF]
[-O] [--overlap_length OVERLAP_LENGTH]
[--overlap_proportion OVERLAP_PROPORTION]
[-e FIX_END] [-t N_THREAD] [-p]
Five different alignment methods.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
[INPUT; REQUIRED] filename for the reference. This is
normally a genomic assembly.
-q QUERY, --query QUERY
[INPUT; REQUIRED] filename for the query. This can be
short-reads or genes or genomic assemblies.
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
[OUTPUT; Default: None] save result to a file or to
screen (stdout). Default do nothing.
--blastn Run BLASTn. Slowest. Good for identities between [80,
--ublast Run uBLAST in tBLASTn mode. Fast. Good for identities
between [30-100]
--ublastSELF Run uBLAST in tBLASTn mode. Fast. Good for identities
between [30-100]
--minimap Run minimap. Fast. Good for identities between
--minimapASM Run minimap on assemblies. Fast. Good for identities
between [90-100]
--mmseq Run mmseq2 in tBLASTn mode. Fast. Good for identities
between [70-100]
--min_id MIN_ID [DEFAULT: 0.3] Minimum identity before reScore for an
alignment to be kept
--min_cov MIN_COV [DEFAULT: 40] Minimum length for an alignment to be
--min_ratio MIN_RATIO
[DEFAULT: 0.05] Minimum length for an alignment to be
kept, proportional to the length of the query
-s RE_SCORE, --re_score RE_SCORE
[DEFAULT: 0] Re-interpret alignment scores and
identities. 0: No rescore; 1: Rescore with
nucleotides; 2: Rescore with amino acid; 3: Rescore
with codons
-f, --filter [DEFAULT: False] Remove secondary alignments if they
overlap with any other regions
--filter_cov FILTER_COV
[DEFAULT: 0.9]
--filter_score FILTER_SCORE
-m, --linear_merge [DEFAULT: False] Merge consective alignments
--merge_gap MERGE_GAP
[DEFAULT: 300]
--merge_diff MERGE_DIFF
[DEFAULT: 1.2]
-O, --return_overlap [DEFAULT: False] Report overlapped alignments
--overlap_length OVERLAP_LENGTH
[DEFAULT: 300] Minimum overlap to report
--overlap_proportion OVERLAP_PROPORTION
[DEFAULT: 0.6] Minimum overlap proportion to report
-e FIX_END, --fix_end FIX_END
[FORMAT: L,R; DEFAULT: 0,0] Extend alignment to the
edges if the un-aligned regions are <= [L,R]
-t N_THREAD, --n_thread N_THREAD
[DEFAULT: 8] Number of threads to use.
-p, --process [DEFAULT: False] Use processes instead of threads.
clust - linear-time clustering of short sequences using mmseqs linclust
EToKi clust is called internally by EToKi ortho to cluster seed genes into gene clusters. Given its linear-time complexity, it can cluster millions of gene sequences in minutes.
usage: clust [-h] -i INPUT -p PREFIX [-d IDENTITY] [-c COVERAGE]
Get clusters and exemplars of clusters from gene sequences using mmseqs linclust.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
[INPUT; REQUIRED] name of the file containing gene sequneces in FASTA format.
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
[OUTPUT; REQUIRED] prefix of the outputs.
-d IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
[PARAM; DEFAULT: 0.9] minimum intra-cluster identity.
-c COVERAGE, --coverage COVERAGE
[PARAM; DEFAULT: 0.9] minimum intra-cluster coverage.
-t N_THREAD, --n_thread N_THREAD
[PARAM; DEFAULT: 8] number of threads to use.