i found the rmse of rbm is worse than average model,can you show me better parameters,now the dataset is **movielens ml-100k**, and my parameters is : rec.recommender.class=rbm rec.iterator.maximum=20 data.input.path=movielens/ml-100k/ratings.txt rec.factor.number=500...
I want to repeat you experiment for audio regression, but i cannot found the archituecture only for audio. In the rec_dense module it's architecture=1 in the code,but architecture1 is only...
maybe the file is not updated, I am confusing about: 1. LinUCB.ipynb not exists,maybe LinUCB-RL.ipynb? 2. in LinUCB.ipynb,where is the rating field from? And in the line:"articles.mrege(user)",the result is not...