有的时候,比如在一些动态生成dialog的时候,没法用这种格式,于是在(function ($) {})里加了一个函数,另外把i18nLang这个变量提到了函数外面方便i18nGet(key)调用。 ``` $.i18nGet = function (key) { if (i18nLang != {}) { if (i18nLang.hasOwnProperty(key)) return i18nLang[key]; else throw new Error("Key not exist"); } else throw new Error("Call i18n(option)...
When run it in cmd, it said '.\scripts\setup-env-for-oss' not recognized as an internal or external command
今天在Ubuntu上升级了platform-tools版本之后,遇到了`Can't find systrace in environment path`的问题,仔细一看platform-tools目录下的systrace目录没有了。解决方法分享给各位: > 谷歌官方在22年3月发布的33.0.1版本的platform-tools包中移除了systrace,因此需要使用
I use Chrome. Assuming that I pressed SpaceBar, then the blue cover dismissed(unselected), then I pressed Up/Down, but the selected item will be the first one or the last one......
Thank you for your efforts on this library~That's so cool. However,I met a problem when I used the 'addOption'. Case1 `list.forEach(function (element, index) { $("#my-select").append(""+element+""); }); $('#my-select').selectMultiple(); ` Case2 `$('#my-select').selectMultiple('addOption',{value:"elem_"+index,text:element});`...